每200克含/Each 200g contains:
N-TMG ... 160g
1. 用于处理鸡体内的胆碱,增加食欲,增加鸡的体重
2. 帮助细胞渗透调节
3. 克服严重的热应激的影响
4. 帮助直肠温度下降及增加免疫力
5. 帮助母鸡产蛋具有更积极的作用功能
6. 益生素可保护肠上皮细胞对渗透压的干扰,间接改善饲料转化比率
7. 益生素能使动物更耐温度波动,从而提高其生存能力
1. Improves animal performance e.g. higher breast meat yield
2. Increases appetite and poultry body weight.
3. Reduces the requirement of other methyl donors, promotes healthy growth even when dietary supplementation is lack of choline & methionine leading to improved feed conversion ratio and weight gain.
4. Helps with intestinal cells osmoregulation
5. Lower mortality rates as it reduces severe heat stress in poultry. Panting rates and rectal temperature are significantly lower.
6. Increases average egg production especially in hens reared under high air ammonia conditions.
7. It inhibits cellular apoptosis, enhances leukocytes levels and phagocytosis. These are important functions in the defense against parasites. (Better immunity !!)
Packing: 200g